Hotel Restaurant Lunia

Welcome in Lunia

It's possible to book package deals or a overnight stay in one of our deluxe or villa rooms. 
You are also welcome in our restaurant.

Please let us know what you wish: and we'd be happy to welcome you in Hotel Restaurant Lunia!

Looking for a comfortable overstay, breakfast and diner? 

Have a look at our package deals

Don't hestitate to call us directly to get the best price.
+31 516-452555

Relax, enjoy and experience

You can find all extra's for a comfortable stay at our hotel-service page. 

Fine dining

Head chef Jelle Pebesma is young and ambitious.
The menu offers a diversity of seasonal and local products.
Have a look at our restaurant page for our menu.


Looking for a small scale but cozy conference location? 
Have a look at our business page for more information 
or directly contact us by sending an e-mail to

Discover the guest experience at Hotel Restaurant Lunia